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It's time to share the love


Each month we showcase timeshare owner stories as part of our connection to the community. We love to share memories, adventures, tips, stories and experiences. Shared experiences are what unites us.

We invite you to share your Timeshare experience for a chance to be our next showcase story.

Email your story and contact details to us -

We can't wait to hear from you!


ATHOC Membership represents timeshare organisations in Australia who have a commitment to high professional standards – the very best of timeshare in Australia.

ATHOC Membership Benefits

ATHOC represents the collective voice of the industry and communicates the views and interests of the Australian timeshare industry to local, State and Federal governments, the media and other consumer bodies and associations.

As an ATHOC member you abide by the Industry Code of Practice and Ethics and in return may apply to ASIC for relief to receive compliance benefits. Members of ATHOC may receive a 7 day cooling off period. Non Members must offer a 14 day cooling off period.

Receive membership discounts to attend the annual Industry conference and take the opportunity to meet with Industry Colleagues and Suppliers.

Targeted at different sectors of the Timeshare Industry.

Members of ATHOC can access the RG146 training as required for all sales staff by ASIC through a specially tailored program run in conjunction with One Step Further at much reduced rates to external suppliers.

Access to a variety of special tailor made courses and seminars aimed at the Timeshare Industry.
ATHOC offers a range of networking opportunities between members and others external to the Industry in different locations throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Members have access to the results of research programs carried out by ATHOC.

Members are encouraged to use the ATHOC logo on all their sales literature, website and business stationery. The logo acts as a positive endorsement for customers who can be reassured that they are dealing with a company committed to offering the best in Australian timeshare.
Monthly e-news letter to all members.

Email blast informing members of policy and legislative changes.

You or your owners can go to the ATHOC Website to discover a wealth of information about the industry.


NOTICE: ATHOC events are back on! Cant wait to see you all again soon.

ATHOC Membership

Membership is open to all those directly or indirectly involved in timeshare and all members are dedicated to delivering the highest professional standards of service to existing and potential timeshare owners. Membership is not automatic and those interested in membership must apply to the Board for acceptance to the organisation.